When you feel all hope is lost, God loves to work miracles.

What is 100-to-1 Faith?

A few years ago my family was facing impossible odds. A terrible form of cancer was racing through my wife's body. Her odds of surviving a year were less than 1%.

That was one of the darkest valleys of my life, but it also taught me how to pray like never before. You see, prayer doesn't begin until things seem to be impossible. If things are probably going to work out fine, then prayer may not even be necessary. But if prayer is the only answer in sight, then you really learn how to pray with absolute faith.

Keep in mind, I was certainly not a prayer rookie. In fact, I always thought I was a prayer warrior. But the truth was that I always expected doctors to handle the miracles. Prayer was like a secret sauce, added on top of the doctors' handiwork. It seemed to help--it provided a little extra oomph--but when the doctors ran out of options, well... Then it was time for us to just accept the inevitable.

It took a crisis like this to teach me that God loves impossible situations. This same God who spoke light and life to the chaos and death on the first page of the Bible, wanted desperately to bring light and life to our hopeless situation. The truth is, I never really asked. It seemed too big--too impossible--too crazy.

Do you know the story of Gideon? It's in chapter 7 of the Book of Judges. God's people kept getting hammered, and they prayed for a leader. God sent them Gideon (an unlikely choice, but we'll talk about that later). Of course, Gideon couldn't win any battles by himself so he called for volunteers. He got 32,000 men ready to follow him into battle.

I don't know about you, but if I ever need help and get 32,000 folks ready to lay down their very lives to support me, I'm going to drop the mic and walk off. BOOM! The battle is over!

But God wasn't having it. God told Gideon to send home 2/3 of his volunteers. Why? Because any fool could win a battle when the enemy is outnumbered. That's not a miracle. That's just an old fashioned whooping. God wasn't looking for a human victory. God wanted a victory against all odds. God wanted a miracle. So the army was cut again and again, until it numbered just 300.

In other words, God cut the army by a ratio of 100-to-1. When it came time for the battle, God's army did not have the numbers to overwhelm anybody. They didn't have to. They blew their horns and broke some clay jars. The enemy did more damage to themselves trying to run away than the army did with those horns.

That's the way God works. It may look like you are hopelessly outmatched, but relax! One puff of breath from the almighty and all of that fear blows away. That is how we know it's a miracle. And that is how we know God's gonna win.

7 Responses

  1. So thankful for God’s miracle in healing Barbara. Your faith and prayers God heard. Thanks be to God. Love you both.

  2. After 15 months since our last in-person worship, it was warm and personal to come together once again. I was privileged sit next to Barbara. She always has the right words. Bill, you have been losing weight. I can see it in your neck. As Anthony in Blue Bloods says, yes but I will find it again.

  3. So happy to have met you, you uplifted my heart when I was feeling so low. May your wife continue living a long and prosperous life . I believe in miracles and God never left your wife side , Amen 🙏

  4. Met Larry today… he is a representative of Gods faith and veritas..
    beautiful testimony to truth n acceptance of life as presented… deep conviction of knowing here.. May you be blessed Larry Jent . 🎻

  5. Thank you for preaching at LIFE UMC today in Fairmont, WV. Your message invited me to celebrate my family ancestors as well as our Biblical ancestors. May God continue to bless your ministry!

  6. I so enjoyed your message today at Life Church in Fairmont. God has truly touched you and it was sent forth thru you to us…I love how our heavenly Father is using you……I will pray for you and your family ! 💗❤️🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🤎🖤🩶🤍

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