Podcast 08.00.17 Welcome to 100-to-1 Faith Radio

This is the first podcast for 100-to-1 faith radio! We’ll be adding new episodes regularly, so please come back soon or subscribe today!
Billions and Billions to One

Do You Really Matter to God? Our planet is just one of billions and billions, adrift in the unfathomable emptiness of space. Look at the milky way in the photo above. Every dot in that image is a star. By some estimates, that white expanse contains 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone. Some of […]
Is One Really Worth It?

Jesus called himself a good shepherd. In his day and time, that was almost a contradiction. Today, in some circles, that might be like calling yourself a good politician. We hear from people every day who think there is no such thing. Shepherds lived off the land, drifting with the wind. When folks looked for a savior, […]
Getting Out of the Cereal Aisle

Maybe it’s a product of modern life. The world comes at us faster than ever. A steady stream of data bombards our senses. A crisis comes up, we think about it for a nanosecond, then we move on. We have to. The world doesn’t slow down for anybody. But the upshot is that our attention […]
What is 100-to-1 Faith?

When you feel all hope is lost, God loves to work miracles. What is 100-to-1 Faith? A few years ago my family was facing impossible odds. A terrible form of cancer was racing through my wife’s body. Her odds of surviving a year were less than 1%. That was one of the darkest valleys of […]