Wednesday Scripture: Psalm 50
Insects Too?
I have no need of a bull from your stall
or of goats from your pens,
for every animal of the forest is mine,
and the cattle on a thousand hills.
I know every bird in the mountains,
and the insects in the fields are mine.
By and large, I think YHWH has done a fairly good job of running the universe up until now.
But now that I am here, I have a lot of helpful suggestions about how things ought to be done.
Chiggers, for example.
We don't need 'em.
I've lived in places where there were none.
People get along just fine without them.
They are not necessary.
It's especially annoying that they are at there worst when wild blackberries are at their best.
This is clearly a design flaw.
And don't get me started on viruses.
For about 100 years, the scientific community has repeatedly changed its collective mind over what viruses are.
First seen as poisons (the word virus comes from the Latin word for poison), then as life-forms, then biological chemicals, viruses today are thought of as being in a gray area between living and nonliving.
They are the zombies of the infectious world.
We do not need zombies.
Usually when I go to God in prayer, I have a grocery list of these helpful suggestions.
I want to add things to God's To-Do list:
Things the Almighty oughta be doing that clearly have clearly been overlooked.
But real prayer starts and ends with wonder and praise, falling into the open hands of a gracious God.
It's hard for me to believe, but apparently God doesn't need me to set up a daily agenda.
Prayer is not a time for God to find out what I want done.
Prayer is a time for God to change me.
And that change begins with awe and wonder.
That change leads to trust and healing.
That's what we need today.

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