Luke 4--Shopping Cart Spirituality
Jesus ate nothing during those 40 days, and at the end of them he was hungry.
These days all the cool folks want to be spiritual but not religious. People push their mystic buggy around the aisles of spirituality and choose whatever looks appealing.
“I’ll take a little Tantric Yoga (I look good in tights), some Buddhist meditation (I like bells and incense), a healthy dose of Kama Sutra (I like other things too), and a slice of Native American Vision Quest.”
There are a couple of problems with this shopping cart spirituality. When we invent our own spiritual smoothies we become the popes of our own little religions. Not many of us are created to be our own Messiah. It is not healthy to answer only to yourself. That's why God gave you elders.
But there is another problem. We tend to leave the things we DON’T like on the shelves. We skip things like sacrificial giving, selfless living, limitless forgiveness, boundless compassion… and fasting.
The road to glory leads through self-denial... humility... and listening. No shopping carts allowed.