Advent Devotion, John 1:10
Among the beasts?
He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.
A Savior on a cross? A Messiah in a barn? The Lord in a manger?
No wonder the world had trouble recognizing him. The Word that spoke the world into being put the glorious plan into motion. And that glory was revealed in a barn. Cosmic revelation appeared first among the critters.
The "dumb beasts?"
Perhaps not.
From the beginning of time, God's plan was to lift up the humble and humble the proud. The world was looking for fireworks and laser beams and brass bands. Swords flashing and news crews following. They were looking to the high and mighty--not the meek and lowly.
They were looking in the wrong direction.
Where are you looking?
Gentle Mary laid her Child
Lowly in a manger;
There He lay, the undefiled,
To the world a stranger:
Such a Babe in such a place,
Can He be the Savior?
Ask the saved of all the race
Who have found His favor.