Thursday Scripture: 1 Peter 2
Love, Honor, Respect
Obey human authority for the Lord’s sake—whether it is the emperor, as the supreme ruler, or the governors whom he has appointed to punish evil-doers and reward those who do good service.
It is the will of God that you may thus silence the ill-informed criticisms of the foolish.
As free people you should never use your freedom as an excuse for doing something that is wrong, for you are at all times the servants of God.
Show respect to everyone, love your sisters and brothers in Christ, fear God, and honor the emperor.
Sorry, Lord. I disagree with this scripture. You can't be serious. How am I supposed to love the unlovely and honor the dishonorable? I want people--especially government officials--to EARN my respect.
But God says that's not how it works.
God didn't start loving me because I earned it. I became someone of value because God first loved me.
It works the same way with those in authority. They don't start out as honorable and respectable people. They become good public servants when God's people pray for them.
As citizens of heaven we can tell worldly authorities, "You're not the boss of me!" And that's true.
But we can also tell them, "I honor the office to which you have been elected, and I will pray for you by name every day."