John 1:3: ALL Things
All things came into being through the Word,
and apart from him not one thing came into being.
Christ is the Word--God's Plan--which has been Creating, Loving, and Redeeming from the beginning. Christ's work did not start in Bethlehem, and it did not end on Calvary. That redemptive love--that amazing grace--is infused in every sub atomic particle. The stars in the furthest reaches of the cosmos follow the path of God's plan.
So what does that mean about you?
It means that Christ started redeeming you before you drew your first breath, before your quivering heart first started to beat. Nothing about you is an accident of the universe. Christ shaped everything about you, and there is nothing about you that Christ did not form.
Today the Word is still shaping everything in Creation to be a part of God's plan.
Especially you.