Genesis 1
In the Beginning, Chaos
In the beginning
when God created the heavens and the earth,
the earth was formless and empty,
darkness was over the surface of the deep,
And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
In the beginning God Created...
But first there was chaos.
God loves to move into the darkest despair,
but does not speak too soon.
First there must be a plan.
A purpose.
A time and a season, a rhyme and a reason.
At last, God spoke--
And in that moment, Creation began.
In that first breath of life, there was a plan.
A savior would come to be born in a manger.
And there was more to the plan.
In that moment, God thought of you.
God saw 2022 was going to be rough for you,
But God had a plan.
In that first moment of Creation,
God thought of you and said,
This is good.