Wisdom of Solomon 3: Happy All Saints Day
(Dia de Muertos)
The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God,
and no torment will ever touch them.
In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died,
and their departure was thought to be a disaster,
and their going from us to be their destruction;
but they are at peace.
In Latin America, South America, and the Philippines, All Saints Day is a huge festival--a Christian holiday with Native roots going back thousands of years.
Folks camp out in cemeteries, honoring their loved ones who have died, sharing the foods they enjoyed in life, dancing, singing, and celebrating those who made the way for our lives today.
In Mexico, the Monarch butterflies arrive by the millions for this festival just like clockwork. Not one of the monarchs have ever been there, but they come to a home they've never been before.
The faithful believe that the ancestors--our saints--send the butterflies as a reminder of their presence. They are also reminders that soon we too will take flight to a home where we've never been before.
If you watch, listen, and pay attention, you loved ones may send you a messenger today. Here in the southeast, many see redbirds as messengers. In my family, bald eagles have brought unmistakeable reminders.
Sometimes it's a familiar smell in an unlikely place. Sometimes the notes of a favorite song you can almost feel. Sometimes it's a whisper or even a favorite joke.
Our ancestors are still cheering us on, counting on us to finish the work they started. Watch for them today.