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100-to-1 Faith

Relax. God's Gonna Win

Relax. God's Gonna Win.

What is 100-to-1 Faith?

A few years ago my family was facing impossible odds. A terrible form of cancer was racing through my wife's body. Her odds of surviving a year were less than 1%. 

That was one of the darkest valleys of my life, but it also taught me how to pray like never before. You see, prayer doesn't begin until things seem to be impossible. If things are probably going to work out fine, then prayer may not even be necessary. But if prayer is the only answer in sight, then you really learn... (Read More)


Hi, I'm Larry Jent

I'm the Fiscal Sustainability Director for the Appalachian National Heritage, in Elkins, WV. I've served as a community organizer, teacher, musician, storyteller, pastor, and Native American advocate.

My journey has taken me from the banks of the Mississippi and the Bay of Alaska, to Carolina's red clay tobacco fields, and deep into the Appalachian Highlands. Now we are blessed to call the misty mountains of West Virginia our home.

I hope you will take a little time to hear some stories of life-changing faith. I hope you will share your stories, too. I'm glad you are sharing this new part of the journey with me, and I am certain that no matter what else happens, God is gonna win!

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